Development Workshops for women
Flourishment: growing vigorously; thriving; prospering
w (Women): female employees or representatives

Are you struggling with attracting and retaining top female talent? Are you wondering why women are feeling disengaged, or are you concerned with "quiet quitting?" These programs are a low-cost, effective solution to this problem. By offering any one or all of these sessions to your female staff regardless of their position, you'll be demonstrating your long-term commitment by investing in their development, increasing their sense of well-being and supporting their individual success.
They are great programs for retaining your valued female employees
Unconscious Bias and Behavioral Expectations

Using different communication styles as the vehicle, this session takes participants on a humorous journey exploring differences associated with masculine and feminine communication styles. While the words may sound the same, their interpretation is diametrically opposite. These disparities make or break teams, leaders, relationships, sales, and marketing strategies. Participants will learn tools to successfully manage these differences.
Think You Suffer from Imposter Syndrome? Think Again!

We all experience attacks of imposter syndrome and the fear of being discovered as a fraud. It’s a common ailment especially for women. This session takes a radically different approach to treating this malady by looking at it through a different lens. The purposes of the sessions are to reframe “imposter syndrome” from a negative to a neutral mindset; review some common causes of imposter syndrome; and provide tips for managing and neutralizing imposter syndrome.
Building Your CareerCapital:
Using your career to live the life you want

When people think about caring for themselves, it is usually focused on their physical or mental health. But what about their career health? Few people think about their career as an investment portfolio to secure their financial future so they can create the life they want to live. This program provides actionable tools to help women increase their success in integrating their personal and professional goals or who want to continue advancing in their careers.
Building Your CareerCapital is challenging me to ask
hard, throughtful
questions that get to the
heart of understanding
my interests, motivations, and skills.
-Senior Pharmaceutical Executive

Learn about the 3 most common barriers that may be holding you back and ways to manage them effectively.

Acquire tools and tips for building, maintaining, and sustaining robust personal and professional networks that add to your CareerCapital.
Here's how it works. The program begins with a 60-minute kick-off session. Then you complete Part 1 on your own followed by a 90-minute review and coaching session. The process is repeated until the end of the program.